Mid-Summer Viewing Post Although the global theatrical box office fell by 80% in 2020 due to Covid there’s still plenty of screening content being created. Of course the thing about streaming is that you do have to turn on an electronic device to select from the tens of thousands of hours available on various platforms. (On the streaming wars see: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/05/streaming-services-compared-revenue-arpu-for-netflix-disney-more.html .) Netflix alone seems to add a new series almost every day. There’s now a bunch on medical themes; also one for dog lovers and one for cat lovers; two seasons of one on human babies. There’s even a new 6-episode series How to Become a Tyrant. [*On the Kanopy platform (free linked to a public library card) one can find the 2018 documentary Active Measures which covers the deep ties between Putin’s corrupt regime as Russian overlord and the deeply corrupt Trump empire and campaign. Fortunatel...
“The art of filmmaking is the most influential form of art that has ever existed throughout the history of human artistic endeavors.” ~ Abhijit Naskar, The Film Testament
"The Best of Screenings & Meanings" is available for $29.95 from McNally Robinson at: https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/geraldschmitz. More information and free Table of Contents and Appendix are available at http://screeningsandmeanings.com/
Email the author at: screeningsandmeanings@gmail.com