The Call of the Wild (U.S. 2020 ) This tall tale directed by Chris Sanders is the latest of many versions ostensibly inspired by the 1903 Jack London novel. The main character is a large canine named “Buck”, apparently some kind of splotchy brown-and-white St. Bernard/Shepherd cross. Actually our furry hero is created through computer-generated technology and motion capture (by Terry Notary) as are the other critters (husky sled dogs, wolves, a bear …) Buck goes from being a one-dog wrecking crew to being dog-napped and traded for duties from Alaska to Yukon during the gold rush. His first new owners are dog-friendly—an unlikely pairing of a supposedly francophone black man “Perreault” and vaguely Inuit-looking woman “Françoise” doing a mail route by sled—though Buck has to overcome their jealous dogteam alpha male named “Spitz”. Then the route gets cancelled and Buck is acquired by a greedy gol...
“The art of filmmaking is the most influential form of art that has ever existed throughout the history of human artistic endeavors.” ~ Abhijit Naskar, The Film Testament
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