From Blue Roses and Notes to Democracy's Edge, Pavarotti, Fatherlands, JT, Toy Stories and Photographs
I’ll start with some notes on five documentaries. At last September’s One World Film Festival the audience favorite was a 55-minute documentary Blue Roses ( ) by Ottawa-based filmmakers Ed Kucerak and Danielle Rolfe. It’s a moving exploration of the palliative care needs of the capital’s vulnerable low-income population living in rooming houses. That premiere had its own challenges as it was on the day after 6 tornados hit the capital region when the filmmakers along with most of the audience had lost power and the venue was running on backup generators. On June 19 there was an encore screening in a packed theatre—Ottawa’s historic Mayfair—followed by a panel discussion. The documentary has been selected for several other festivals, including one in Regina, and hopefully it might be picked up for television broadcast. Meriting mention are several other documentaries. The ...